factory worker

Our Texas Lawyer Explains Degloving Accidents in Non-Subscriber Injury Cases 

A degloving accident is a serious type of workplace injury that can turn your world upside down in an instant. If you've suffered such a traumatic injury while working for a non-subscriber employer in Texas, your life may be profoundly altered. At SJ Injury Attorneys, our work injury lawyers understand the physical and emotional toll of these devastating injuries and explain your legal rights in the Lone Star State.

The Long-Term Consequences of Degloving Injuries

Degloving injuries occur when the skin and underlying tissue are forcefully separated from deeper structures, often in a manner reminiscent of removing a glove. It's a gruesome reality that many Texas workers face, particularly in industries involving heavy machinery or powerful equipment.

Degloving isn't just about losing skin. These injuries can affect muscles, tendons, and even bones, leaving victims with profound functional impairments. Trying to perform everyday tasks without the full use of your hand or foot becomes impossible. Unfortunately, that is the harsh reality for many degloving injury survivors.

At SJ Injury Attorneys, we've seen firsthand how these injuries can derail lives. From factory workers to construction crews, no one expects to fall victim to such a traumatic event. Yet when it happens, the path forward can seem insurmountable without proper guidance and support.

Living with a Degloving Injury

Living with a degloving injury isn't just about physical recovery; it can affect all aspects of your life. The journey is often filled with countless surgeries, skin grafts, and rehabilitation sessions. But the challenges don't stop there.

These types of injuries also have a psychological impact. Looking down at your hand and seeing a stark reminder of your accident every single day can be traumatic. Many survivors grapple with depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Simple tasks you once took for granted, such as buttoning your shirt, can become challenging.

With proper medical care and support, degloving injury victims can reclaim a sense of normalcy. At SJ Injury Attorneys, we're committed to helping our clients access the resources they need to thrive despite their injuries.

Non-Subscriber Injury Claims

Unlike most states, Texas allows employers to opt out of workers' compensation insurance. If you're injured while working for a non-subscriber employer, you're not bound by the limitations of workers' comp. This means you have the right to sue your employer for negligence and potentially recover significantly more in damages. But in order to do so, you'll need to prove that your employer's negligence caused the degloving injury.

Having a skilled Texas non-subscriber work injury lawyer on your side is vital. At SJ Injury Attorneys, we have experience in non-subscriber work injury cases and will advocate for your rights so you can secure the compensation you deserve.

Potential Damages in Non-Subscriber Degloving Cases

Unlike workers' compensation, which typically limits benefits to medical expenses and a portion of lost wages, non-subscriber work injury cases can result in settlements that include the following types of damages:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages and loss of earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Disfigurement and physical impairment
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

The lawyers at SJ Injury Attorneys have obtained successful outcomes for injured workers in Texas. For a Houston machine shop worker, we secured a $3 million settlement for a degloving injury of his left hand. 

Determining If You Have a Non-Subscriber Work Injury Claim

While every situation is unique, there are certain factors that can indicate you can file a non-subscriber work injury claim:

  • Your employer doesn't carry workers' compensation insurance
  • Your injury occurred during the course of your employment
  • Your employer's negligence contributed to your injury
  • You've suffered significant damages as a result of your injury

At SJ Injury Attorneys, we offer free consultations to help you understand your rights and options. Remember, time is of the essence. Texas has a statute of limitations for personal injury claims, so don’t hesitate to seek legal advice.  You only have two years to file a lawsuit following your injury. If you miss this deadline, your claim will be dismissed, and you will not be able to recover compensation.