Spinal cord injury

Our Texas Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help Protect Your Legal Rights and Fight for a Fair Recovery

Life can change in an instant. One moment, you're driving down a Texas road, and the next, you're facing the life-altering impact of a spinal cord injury (SCI) from a car accident. An SCI can bring immediate challenges, such as intense pain, loss of mobility, and a sense of uncertainty about the future. You may face long-term effects that require ongoing medical care, rehabilitation, and lifestyle adjustments that significantly alter your daily routine. 

At SJ Injury Attorneys, our Pasadena car accident lawyers understand the physical, emotional, and financial challenges you're facing. We can guide you through the legal process to ensure your rights are protected and you can pursue the fair compensation you deserve.

The Impact of Spinal Cord Injuries in Car Accidents

Spinal cord injuries occur when the spinal cord is damaged, often due to the forceful impact of a collision. There are two main types of SCIs:

  • Complete SCIs. These cause a total loss of sensory and motor function below the injury site.
  • Incomplete SCIs. Some sensory or motor functions remain below the injury site.

The location of the injury on the spinal cord greatly affects the severity of the impact. For example, injuries to the cervical spine (neck area) can result in quadriplegia, affecting all four limbs. Injuries to the thoracic or lumbar spine may lead to paraplegia, impacting the lower half of the body.

People with spinal cord injuries may face a range of challenges, such as:

  • Loss of movement
  • Altered sensation, making it difficult to feel heat, cold, or touch
  • Loss of bowel or bladder control
  • Heightened reflexes
  • Muscle spasms

Additionally, these injuries can affect sexual function, sensitivity, and fertility. Many people also endure pain or a sharp, stinging sensation caused by nerve damage and difficulties breathing, coughing, or clearing their lungs.

Steps to Take After a Spinal Cord Injury

The days, weeks, and months following the injury are crucial for recovery and adjustment. Here's what you should focus on during this time:

  • Follow medical and rehabilitation plans. After the initial treatment, you'll need to adhere strictly to your doctor's orders. This may include physical therapy, medications, and possibly surgery. Regular follow-ups are essential to monitor your progress and adjust your treatment plan.
  • Start a recovery journal. Document every detail about your medical treatments, medications, therapies, and daily experiences. Keep a record of how the injury affects your daily life, including pain levels, mobility challenges, and any emotional difficulties. This will help you track your progress and serve as valuable documentation for legal and insurance purposes.
  • Adapt your environment. Begin making necessary modifications to your home to accommodate new mobility needs. This could include installing ramps, grab bars, or specialized equipment to help you navigate daily tasks more safely and independently.
  • Manage financial and legal matters. Consult with a Pasadena personal injury lawyer attorney experienced in spinal cord injuries to understand your rights and options for compensation. Keep all medical bills, receipts, and records of expenses related to your injury.
  • Stay informed. Educate yourself about spinal cord injuries and available treatments. Understanding your condition and the recovery process can empower you to make informed decisions and advocate for the best care possible.

Understanding Your Right to Fair Compensation

As a victim of a car accident resulting in a spinal cord injury, you may be entitled to compensation for:

  • Medical expenses (current and future)
  • Lost wages and reduced earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Home modifications and assistive devices
  • Rehabilitation costs
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

The amount of compensation varies based on factors such as the severity of your injury, its impact on your life, and the circumstances of the accident. 

How Our Texas Car Accident Lawyers Can Help Your Case

You may be unsure of how to handle a spinal cord injury claim. The experienced Texas car accident lawyers at SJ Injury Attorneys are here to help. We will do the following to help with your case:

  • Investigate. We will investigate the accident thoroughly and gather and preserve crucial evidence, such as police and medical reports.
  • Negotiate with the insurance company. We will handle all communication with insurance companies on your behalf. This prevents you from being pressured into accepting a settlement for less than your claim is worth.
  • Consult with medical experts. Our lawyers will consult with medical experts to understand the full extent of your injuries.
  • Value your claim. We will calculate the actual value of your claim, including future expenses.
  • Litigation. If negotiations with the insurance company do not result in a fair settlement, we will represent you in court to fight for a favorable outcome.

Get the Outcome You Deserve

At SJ Injury Attorneys, we understand Texas' personal injury laws and how a spinal cord injury from a car accident can impact your life. Read the case results and testimonials on our website to learn how we have secured favorable settlements for our past clients. Every case is different, and while past results don't guarantee future outcomes, these examples can show how we have helped other clients in similar situations.